Today’s stresses leave many people drained when they get home. These levels of tiredness can be quite counterproductive if you do not do something. Luckily, yoga is one of those activities that can help you relax and overcome this feeling of being bogged down. Below are the top 5 restorative poses that can help you achieve this.
Legs up the Wall
This pose requires you to rest on your back and raise your legs up against a wall. If it is too demanding, you could go for its variant where you bend your knees and place your legs over a chair. It is advisable to stay in this position for about 15 minutes for the most gains. After spending the day upright, this pose facilitates blood flow to your belly and digestive organs. Legs up the wall can also help in relieving cramped legs, mild backache while stretching your legs and calming you.
More Fitness On Top 5 Restorative Yoga Poses to Feel Better Right Now
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